Founder, SODI
Andreas Leibbrandt is a pioneer of applied experimental economics. He combines different methodologies to investigate their applications in public and private organisations and generate insights for different research fields. He has collaborated with numerous institutions including the Behavioural Insights Team, BlackRock, and the Australian Department of Employment, and his diversity studies have been featured in the Time, The Wall Street Journal, and Nature magazine.
His work in gender economics has had a significant impact in the public and private sectors by exposing unanticipated impacts of affirmative action programmes and providing alternatives to support women. His research has changed salary negotiations. Previously, it was suggested that women are generally less inclined to negotiate and that this contributes to the gender pay gap. His research shows that no such general gender difference exists and demonstrates that there are environments where both genders are equally willing to negotiate.
Before joining Monash University, Andreas received his PhD from the University of Zurich and was a Postdoctoral Fellows at the University of Chicago and the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University. He is also an Associate Editor at Management Science.
Maximus justo vulputate vitae. Nulla ipsum leo, commodo sit amet congue sed, porta nec elit. Mauris mollis tempus ipsum, id bibendum metus lobortis ac. Donec vitae felis imperdiet, lobortis lorem vitae, efficitur ligula. Pellentesque in condimentum libero. Duis iaculis magna diam, vitae fringilla sapien commodo eget. Pellentesque vehicula varius placerat. Sed aliquam commodo dolor. Quisque cursus, sem eget convallis viverra, nunc ante vulputate nunc, at sagittis nisi diam at nunc.

Kara Helander
Founder, SODI
Kara Helander partners with senior leaders to design and build transformational diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies. Her consulting clients include BlackRock, Microsoft, Cisco and Chevron, and her work has been featured in The New York Times, Fortune and the Wall Street Journal.
As Managing Director at BlackRock, she led the firm’s global diversity and inclusion, and philanthropy initiatives. In 2015, Harvard Business School profiled those efforts she directed in the case study “BlackRock: Diversity as a Driver of Success”. Kara also led CSR at Barclay’s Global Investors’.
Prior to Barclays Global Investors, she launched and led the Western Region for Catalyst in Silicon Valley. In this role, she partnered with Fortune 500 CEOs to jumpstart real change in diversity. Over five years, the percentage of women corporate officers in F500s in the West grew by 25%, and the percentage of women board directors grew by 52% — far outpacing the national F500 rates of change.
Earlier in her career, she launched the Partnership for Organ Donation with colleagues from CDI (a strategy consulting spin-off from Bain). This social venture increased donation rates by 30%, directly addressing the core mission of the health care industry — saving and improving the quality of lives — while generating significant additional revenue.
Kara received her BS from Vanderbilt University and her MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Jeff Flory
Founder, SODI
Jeffrey Flory is a Visiting Scholar at the University of Chicago Economics Department. He uses field experiments to examine questions in development economics, competition incentives, and gender. Professor Flory has received grants from the National Science Foundation, the World Bank, DFID, and the Low Institute of Political Economy, and is currently designing a large field experiment for the World Bank in rural electrification.